I was incredibly sad to hear about the passing of the legendary David Sanborn @davidsanbornofficial! Such a remarkable talent and an extraordinary human being! A little over three months ago, he came to Dallas (Tuesday, February 12, 2024) to participate in JAZZ AT SYMPHONY CENTER, a joint partnership that we (The Black Academy of Art and Letters) do with the DALLAS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. The concert was held at the Meyerson Symphony Center. Of course, Mr. Sanborn was effervescent in his performance, and he gave a flawless show. Multiple standing ovations happened throughout the evening as Sanborn sat on his stool and made every note effortlessly. He was a bit frail, but his performance showed no sign that he was battling any form of illness. WOW, what a trooper! He also came to Dallas to perform in our Riverfront Jazz Festival, September 4, 2021. It was a year after the world was dealing with a remnant of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hundreds came out to see the iconic “DAVID SANBORN.” He gave another command performance! Backstage at both shows when I talked extensively to him about his work as an artist, he gave a lot of life’s golden nuggets. The kind, soft-spoken and gentle man with the small, framed body, said to me at the conclusion of our last visit in February, “Thank you Curtis for continuing to invite me to Dallas. I like Dallas and I love what you are doing to keep us working! Keep inviting me . . .” He held on to the arms of one of his musicians as they walked away, going back to his dressing room. And that is what I will always remember about my incredible encounters with DAVID SANBORN!
—Curtis King
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