By Michael Hernandez
Entertainment Reporter
Spies In Disguise is the new animated film starring the vocal talents of Will Smith and Tom Holland, who is the latest Spiderman. In the movie, Holland’s character is nothing like Spidey.
Holland plays a nerdy scientist who comes up with amazing formulas and inventions, but he’s a little socially awkward in dealing with the staff of agents. While Will Smith is the voice of Lance Sterling, a super-cool secret agent who is a loner, works his missions by himself, and he usually gets his man.
While in Walter’s lab, Agent Sterling drinks a formula that turns him into a pigeon. Now the super suave, super cool spy has to depend on Walter, and some fellow pigeons, to clear his name from a shape-shifting bad guy who turns himself into Lance. There are some great action scenes that are a lot of fun to watch.
The movie doesn’t have a Disney feel to it, but it’s still a very enjoyable film that is perfect for the entire family. What I liked most about Spies In Disguise is that it’s a buddy film with two men who play characters that are as different as they can possibly be. And the pigeons are hilarious.
Spies In Disguise is rated PG with a run time of 1 hour and 41 minutes. On my “Hollywood Popcorn Scale” I give this movie a JUMBO.

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