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Cheryl's World

MY TRUTH: Don’t let future generations down!

By Cheryl Smith

I was discussing life with a friend who said she was thankful she didn’t look like what she had been going through because she had been going through so much. I listened without commenting because sometimes people have to talk things through and they just need someone to listen.

While I believed her issues were minor, I had to realize that what seems minor to me may not be minor to her. True, there was a part of me that was saying, “girl bye!”

But if there is something this country could use an abundance of, it has to be love and understanding.

We’re all going through some things and sometimes you have nothing to offer so it is best that you not say anything that could traumatize a person. I can’t see how everyone on this earth and especially in the United States of America could not be going through things right now.

The country is in turmoil and we are still dealing with high prices for our basic necessities, housing concerns, and rising healthcare costs. It’s a good thing that the Biden administration has made a difference and hope is that we will continue to see changes that benefit the least of us; which will ultimately benefit all of us.

A psychiatrist, counselor, or therapist are challenged daily as they find themselves taking on everyone else’s problems. Now who is taking care of their problems?

If we really are going to make this world a better place, we have a lot of work to do.

Sometimes you have to tear a structure down to rebuild. That is not the case with this country. We have some work to do and it begins with ceasing with the unhealthy and demoralizing rhetoric. We must find a way to uplift one another without destroying one another be- cause of greed and a dysfunctional mindset.

Are you just chilling, and letting life pass you by? Please think about why you’re on this earth. Think about that dash between the day you were born and the day you breathe your last breath. Will this world be a better place because you passed through or will you just be another in- habitant that existed without any real purpose?

Let’s face it. Some people go through life and enjoy every moment while also leaving behind devastation and others will have an impact as well which could possibly have people celebrating them for centuries to come.

As October approaches and that deadline for registering to vote passes; hopefully you will be among the millions who are armed and ready to vote. Then do it.

A lot of what we can do begins with that almighty vote. I am hoping that you will see me and I will see you at the polls.

We need some joy in our lives. We need to uplift and support because we don’t seem to realize that if we don’t do the right thing, the pain and suffering will be felt for generations to come.

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