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Biden Slams Trump’s Dangerous Policies, Defends Social Security and Medicare

NNPA NEWSWIRE — The twice impeached, convicted felon former president Donald Trump continues to push lies and policies that are not only dangerous for Black America but also for other minorities and seniors.

Stacy M. Brown, NNPA
From –
Reprinted – by Texas Metro News

Joe Biden and Dr. Benjamin Chavis-jr
Joe Biden and Dr. Benjamin Chavis jr

In 2020, then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden sparked controversy with his remarks to African American voters, saying, “You ain’t Black if you don’t vote for me.” Without context and with specific individuals seeking to take issue with Biden, these comments appeared to denigrate African Americans. However, a candidate has probably never said anything more accurate when used in the context that Biden undoubtedly intended. The twice impeached, convicted felon former president Donald Trump continues to push lies and policies that are not only dangerous for Black America but also for other minorities and seniors. Biden, reflecting on Trump’s record, emphasized his unwavering commitment to protecting Social Security and Medicare from severe cuts proposed by Trump.

“I’m reaching out to you today not just as a former president but as a fellow citizen who’s deeply invested in our country’s future,” Biden declared. “Trump wants to cut Social Security and Medicare. I will stop anyone who tries to cut these essential programs.” Trump’s stance on entitlements has been unambiguous. When asked if he had changed his outlook on handling Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid due to rising debt, Trump responded, “So first of all, there is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting.” Previously, he remarked, “Oh, we’ll be cutting” and “they will be.” Throughout his presidency, Trump’s budget proposals consistently included cuts to these critical programs.

James Singer, spokesperson for the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign, sharply criticized Trump’s intentions. “Donald Trump and his Project 2025 goons will steal the hard-earned Social Security and Medicare that Americans have been paying into their entire careers and use it to fund tax cuts for billionaires and corporations,” Singer asserted. “Trump’s record is clear: Every single year he was in the White House, he proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare, and he has said he will target them for cutting if reelected. Seniors can trust Joe Biden, who will never cut Social Security and Medicare.”

Former President Barack Obama also voiced strong support for Biden’s re-election. “When I think back to the day Joe was elected president, I remember feeling a profound sense of hope, pride, and a great amount of relief,” Obama said in a statement. “He’s dedicated his first term as president to rebuilding and healing our nation and working to strengthen our democracy. But the journey doesn’t end there.”

For most, the upcoming election remains pivotal. Biden’s campaign continues its pledge to stand firm as a defender of crucial social programs and a leader committed to equity and justice for all Americans. “The fight for our democracy, our rights, and our freedoms is happening right now – and winning starts with electing Democrats at every level, especially in our state legislatures,” Obama declared.

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