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QUIT PLAYIN: Project 2025 or The 1619 Project?

By Vincent L. Hall

Nikole Hannah-Jones
Nikole Hannah-Jones

If you thought Project 2025 was just some namby-pamby, Trump-sponsored proposal, let this alleviate your misguided assumptions. Project 2025 is bad enough for working-class and minority Americans to cause you some real concern.
The Guardian set it up succinctly for us.

“The near 900-page Project 2025 handbook was produced by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington, as a manifesto for expanding the power of the presidency while dismantling layers of government.

It recommends purging the federal ranks of many appointed roles and stacking agencies with loyalists.

The Project 2025 document makes recommendations across four broad fronts: restoring the family as the centerpiece of American life; dismantling the administrative state; defending the nation’s sovereignty and borders; and securing “God-given” individual rights to live freely.

That would translate into a fresh crackdown on reproductive freedom and draconian immigration laws – including even religious tests – within the first six months of a Trump presidency.”

Cap 20, the primary resource for this article, has a straightforward mission statement and is a site you need to visit often.

“The Center for American Progress is an independent, nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong leadership and concerted action. Our aim is not just to change the conversation, but to change the country.”

Before offering you a few of the high points you should consider before voting for the “Orange Crush” this coming November, listen to their thesis statement regarding Project 2025.

“The extremist Mandate for Leadership, dubbed “Project 2025: Presidential Transition Project,” is a 900-page document published by the Heritage Foundation and meant to serve as a road map for a far-right presidential administration.

While its policy proposals are sweeping and would affect nearly every facet of American life, its overarching goal is clear: to lay out an authoritarian play-book that would destroy the system of checks and balances our forefathers designed when they sought freedom and popular sovereignty almost 250 years ago.

In dissolving the American idea, the plan’s extremist policies would give far-right politicians, judges, and corporations more control over Americans’ lives.”

The judges are already in line, but how else could Project 2025 accomplish all its lofty goals?

I’m glad you asked.

“Project 2025 Would Increase Costs, Block Debt Cancellation for Student Loan Borrowers. The radical Project 2025 policy agenda for student loan repayment would multiply costs for borrowers, increase defaults, and end existing programs that allow borrowers to earn cancellation.”

Project 2025 Would Undo the NLRB’s Progress on Protecting Workers’ Right to Organize. Workers are winning a greater percentage of NLRB-overseen union elections than at any point in the past 15 years as Biden administration appointees help protect workers’ right to organize—but a conservative policy plan offers a blueprint for eroding the NLRB’s ability to protect organizing workers.

Project 2025 Medicaid Life-time Cap Proposal Threatens Health Care Coverage for up to 18.5 million Americans.

If enacted, lifetime Medicaid caps would strip benefits from low-income populations, paricularly in states that have not expanded Medicaid. Similar policies have previously been introduced, including a proposal to impose a 36-month lifetime maximum for Medicaid coverage.

Project 2025 Would Take Away Access to Free Emergency Contraception for 48 million Women.

A new state-by-state analysis estimates that 48 million women would lose guaranteed access to no-cost emergency contraception if the Project 2025 agenda were implemented.”

The naming of this project is coincidental, but Project 2025 comes on the heels of “The 1619 Project.”

Before you laugh, let me explain.

The 1619 Project, which sur- faced as a product of the New York Times, would eventually spin off to create a made-for-TV documentary and an anthology. It detailed chattel slavery which was the heyday of White male privilege in America.

The 1619 Project told to some and retold to so many others America’s history and culture of enslavement from its earliest beginnings. Slavery was not new to the Americas, just more brutal and horrid than any- where else in the world.

Slavery and male dominance was thought to have been permanently placed in our past. But the repercussions and fall-out that could come from Project 2025 could reintroduce a new brand of White male Christian privilege.

A system that would dismantle the federal government and leave us to the will of an authoritarian and his hand-picked hooligans.

This is merely a thumbnail sketch of Donald Trump’s Project 2025 plan to take us as far back as he can get us to 1619.

Read before you vote!

A long-time Texas Metro News columnist, Dallas native Vincent L. Hall is an author, writer, award-winning writer, and a lifelong Drapetomaniac.
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