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Pregnant Congressional Candidate and Three-Time Ectopic Pregnancy Survivor Strongly Denounces 5th Circuit Court Ruling on Emergency Abortions

Leila Brockman
Photo Credit: Leila Brockman, taken for the Destiny for Congress campaign

Germantown, MD — In a resolute statement, Destiny Drake West, candidate for Maryland’s 6th congressional district who has received three life-saving abortions, condemns the recent Texas ruling on emergency abortions. She labeled it a regressive decision with severe implications for reproductive justice and accessible healthcare.

“This regressive decision by the 5th Circuit Court not only threatens reproductive justice but contributes to the pregnancy-to-prison pipeline, a disturbing pattern facing women, physicians and working-class families all across America,” states West. Both the reproductive and criminality aspects of the issue disproportionately affects black, brown, and low-income communities.

Three separate times over the last decade, West has found herself in the emergency room facing an ectopic pregnancy, unaware that her life hung in the balance. “Had the medical professionals turned me away in fear of facing punitive actions for providing care, I would not be alive today to care for my family,” West shares.

In the statement, West continues on by emphasizing the dire need for reproductive justice and accessible healthcare. “Sharing this deeply personal experience isn’t just a reflection; it’s a call to action for a Congress that understands the real-life implications of its decisions,” West asserts.

She vividly recalls the horror of nearly losing her life due to pregnancy-related complications, a terrifying prospect that would have robbed her of the chance to experience the joys of mothering her three children, including her two sons born after receiving emergency abortions, and carrying her unborn baby that is due this April.

The statement underscores the urgency of electing individuals with lived experiences to Congress, especially concerning decisions affecting healthcare at the federal level. West, as the sole contender with firsthand experience of emergency abortions, emphasizes the importance of representation.

“The recent Texas ruling exposes the formidable challenges women nationwide encounter in accessing emergency abortions. It turns reproductive justice from a catchphrase into a rallying cry for comprehensive, inclusive policies,” West states.

The discussion extends to the stringent criminal penalties for doctors in Texas. “Doctors could face fines exceeding $100,000, potential prison sentences of up to 99 years, and the revocation of their medical licenses. This punitive approach exacerbates the hurdles in providing essential reproductive healthcare,” warns West who earned a master’s degree in Criminology, Law and Society from the University of California Irvine.

West advocates for affordable and accessible healthcare as an inalienable right, not a privilege. “It means dismantling barriers to reproductive healthcare and acknowledging that diverse experiences should inform the decisions made in our legislative chambers,” West asserts.

The statement concludes with a vision for a future free from fear of undue restrictions or criminalization in reproductive health choices. “Together, we can forge a nation where stories like mine serve as beacons guiding our collective commitment to justice, empathy, and the holistic well-being of all,” states West.

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