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The Gray Area: Wake Up And Wear A Mask

Care Mask Up
Photo courtesy Care Mask Up

Wake up and wear a mask! We cannot go to sleep in this Covid-19 Pandemic.

If we listen to our Texas governor, Gregg Abbott, we might be in for a permanent slumber. This Neanderthal’s decision was so bad, even a caveman could understand it.

(My apologies to the GEICO Commercial. However, we may need insurance and a prayer to get through these next few months.)

Let us get real. This was a tactic used by the Republican governor to direct the public’s attention elsewhere. The great Freeze-Out Fiasco ended up with the governor and his Republican cronies in ERCOT being roasted like hot dogs on a hot Texas summer grill.

Governor Abbott gave us the cold shoulder by playing the blame game, instead of fixing the game.

The Crisis that is now COVID, is not over.

We must not be fooled, because the Texas Rangers will play baseball at 100% capacity soon. We are rushing to home plate without actually hitting the ball. The ball is compliance to the CDC health guidelines. Simply put, wear a mask for our health.

Wearing a Mask is not a political statement, it Is a statement for survival.

Texas is at a point, in this COVID Pandemic, that we can score a knockout. We have been battered for the last year, now we can get off the ropes by wearing a mask.

The simple act of taking a shot to the shoulder is threatened by Governor Greg “Genocide” Abbott. What else should you call a governor, who threatens to cut off vaccinating Black people, in South Dallas? That alone is additional reason for us ALL to Wear a Mask.

The data simply does not support ending the mask mandate. Texas, prior to the Biden rush of vaccine inoculations, ranked 48 out of 50 states. The Texas numbers for COVID cases, as posted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), were trending higher.

Wear A Mask.

I am Ed Gray.

And this is Straight Talk. From the Gray Area.

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